Wednesday, June 5, 2013
iPhone 4S will begin selling in China in March
Time to rejoice for the Chinese: in the very near future, they too will be ableto connect to a large army of owners of iPhone 4S, potentially increasing itby as much as 130 million of client souls. Do not be afraid of such a grandscope - in fact it is only on the date announced by the Chinese sales ofiPhone 4S, which will start on March 9.

Exclusive distributor of Apples latest smartphone will predictably deal withthe Middle Kingdom China Telecom with the target audience in the amount of those same one hundred and thirty million subscribers, the worlds largestCDMA-network and in January received official permission from the Ministry of Industry on the sale of new gadgets in the country.
Acceptance of pre-orders on the coveted iPhone 4S will begin just a week before the start of sales - the second of March.
Acceptance of pre-orders on the coveted iPhone 4S will begin just a week before the start of sales - the second of March.
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