Thursday, April 11, 2013
Kinds of Faults in Mobile Phones
There are Main Kinds of Faults in Mobile Phone which we can see generally.
Mobile phone is an Electronic Device and also it has been included a Software. Because of that this electronic device have lot of electronic parts ( IC, Capacitor, Resistor, Diode, Coil , Relay, Transistor,... etc) and settings for main software not only that but also these electronic parts or Software Settings can be damaged or changed.
Therefore your mobile phone may be damaged. A typical mobile phone has two main kinds of faults as Hardware and Software faults. But some software faults are comes with settings so we can divide that faults as following main parts.
Therefore your mobile phone may be damaged. A typical mobile phone has two main kinds of faults as Hardware and Software faults. But some software faults are comes with settings so we can divide that faults as following main parts.
- Hardware: When Damage any Hardware parts ( Electronic parts or PCB )
- Software: When Damage Software which is in mobile phone.
- Settings : When change mobile phone settings as unconditional
Hardware Faults
These faults are related to PCB , Batteries and any other electronics parts fault. There are example for understanding about what are the hardware faults.
- No Signal
- Dead set condition
- Auto Restart
- No Charging
- No Display or Display lights
- keypad faults
- Display other problems
- Insert Sim Card
- Low signal
- No Network Access
- Call Drop
- Phone off when make a call
- Voice fautls
- Ringer fautls
- Earpiece faults
- Mic faults
- Auto turn off
- Vibrator faults
............ Etc..
Software Faults
These faults are related to Software which is in mobile phone.Every mobile phone has a OS. When it is damaged you must flash or format your phone. There are example for understanding what are the software faults.
- Dead set
- Not Charging
- Test Mode
- Contact Service
- No Signal
- Auto Restart
- Some Applications not work
- When you send SMS or MMS phone will restart
- Camera Not work
- Booting Problems
- Sim not valid or Insert correct sim
Setting Faults
These faults are related with mobile phone settings. If you changed your phone settings as unconditional and also virus can change that settings as harmfull then following faults can be seen in your mobile phone.
- Call Divert
- No network
- Only incoming call
- Auto Restart
- Battery empty
- Stuck your phone
- Phone is slow
- When make a call phone will restart or off
- Sim Lock
- Unable to send SMS
- Some Application not work properly
- Security Code problems
- Black list problems
When you try to repair damage phone firstly you want to know what is the damage and how can repair it. when you read this blog you can identify mobile phone faults and how you can solve it. This is the first step for it " Understanding What are the kinds of Faults in Mobile Phones.Try to be a good Mobile phone reapiring technician. Good Luck to you.
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