Thursday, April 4, 2013
LG announces 10 million LTE smartphones sold worldwide

Its been roughly two years since LG began its role in the LTE Revolution, but the company has just crossed an important milestone in its pursuit. Today, LG revealed that its now sold 10 million LTE smartphones, which is double the number we last saw in August. Despite the lengthy amount of time its taken LG to achieve this 10 million figure, the news comes at an interesting juncture, as the companys now ramping up distribution of its halo device, the Optimus G. Similarly, both the Optimus F7 and F5 are due later this year, which will be aimed at those seeking 4G on a budget. Will we see an uptick in LGs sales of LTE smartphones? We certainly hope so, but our Magic 8-Balls currently broken. That said, youll find the full announcement after the break.
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