Friday, April 5, 2013
Samsung i9003 Restart Problem Solution Simple Way
1- remove internal memory from board
2- insert 8gb or up memory card
3- flah phone pit (latona_20110114.pit)
4- flash phone i9003 xXKPQ
(now phone should work 100% but cant access memory and camera not work cos it should save in internal memory)
now i will swap between 2 memory (sd card work as internal memory)
1- root the phone
2- install (Root Explorer) by (MyPhoneExplorer) from pc
3- and from (MyPhoneExplorer) make new message and copy all txt from (vold.fstab.txt) file i uploaded and save it as drafts
4- now from phone open message and copy all txt
5- go to (root explorer) open it and go to system/etc and press (mount R/W) open (vold.fstab) as text editor delete all txt and paste now save changes
6- power off phone and tun on and enjoy with i9003 with new 8gb hard dick
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